FINALLY!!After days (which seems like years) of not blogging, i finally am typing a new post!..yay! Ive been busy lah this days. OKlah i admit, i was lazy! Hehe..cant help it what. I have to catch up on my sleep, slack, going out, play and eveything else you can associate with me. Certainly not studying lah.
So as you all know, Singapore just had a holiday on 1st October to celebrate hari raya. And maybe childrens day also lah, for some of you at least.
This year's celebration was very similar to recent years, but with a sense of joy and laughter accompanying us everywhere we went.

As you can see, we have a new family member. This cheeky little girl here is my niece, whom we call Syasha. She did join us last year for celebrations, but was too young then and could barely walk nor talk.
This year, she serves as the catalyst that helped transform our raya into a memorable one. Lets look at what she has done.
She tears open green packets given to her, thus revealing the amount of money inside.
She poses like Heidi Klum when people are about to take a photo of her.
But when i wanna take a photo WITH her, she is reluctant to do so.
And look, she even acts innocent for the camera! Haha!
Anyway i still love her cause she's my niece. But i wonder if she will grow up to like me..hmm....
So like every first day of raya, we would ask for each other's forgiveness and take a family photo together.
Wah!..models lah seh!!
Arghhh! shining! eyes!!
Me and my sister has this 'thing' for kuih tarts.
Every house we visit, we would aim for their pineapple tarts. After trying, we would share our views with our mum and depending on her mood, she would then decide to try it or not. I guess we are kind of searching for the best kuih tart in Singapore. If you think that your kuih tart meets our expectations, then do tell me ok? Oh anyway i just remebered that i did something bad to my brother-in-law. I found a burnt kuih tart in my grandma's house and gave it to him. He ate it unknowingly. When i asked him how it tasted like, he said "Oklah like normal what". In my heart, i was laughing my ass out! Wakakakakakaka!
Btw, talking about grandma, look what my grandmother did to me!
im sori dear i didnt ask for it..she pulled me!
look! brother's a victim too!
So that was the first day of raya. A huge burden was lifted of all my family member's chest.
Second day of raya, i didnt really take lots of photo. The only interesting photo i took is this:post raya kitchen!

So raya with family members is over. Right now, im eagerly waiting for raya with friends. Cant wait to meet the secondary school people. Though the guys often meet for soccer kickabouts, we still have our own differences and we have to seek each other's forgiveness.

Till long people!! :D
dun b sad for god loves the baby more than you do