ALOHAAAA!!Wooo! I had two gatherings during the holidays. One with my poly classmates, and the other with my close friends. Let me talk about the gathering with close friends first yeah.....So we had a chalet at Aloha Changi for the gathering. Some of us have been classmates for five years. The rest,they were just close friends.
Upon arrival at fairy point 1, we munched on our Macdonalds while waiting for THE couple to collect the keys.This time round, the chalet was further in and more secluded compared to last year. Upon srutinizing the area, we found a family of cats; a dead snake in the drain. AND the weather was scorching hot.

Anywae, i just recovered from a fever and still am experiencing sore throat during the chalet. That explains the lemon barley drink in the pictures! :PSo when THE couple came back with the keys, we went straight into the bungalow to 'book' our rooms.And after that it was off to the BATHroom or toilet rather; cause everyone cannot tahan wanna urine!!

TWISTER TIME!Night time came and ashik cooked for us dinner Italian style. Alfredo spaghetti was the dish!Since there wasnt any nice shows on monday, besides amazing was Lepak Time!

noel calls this photo "win win and no no"
two drunkards arguing!
That night my voice was already becoming very 'fierce' and 'macho'. It sounded so hoarse, i became a victim of bullying. :(
I couldn't even play taboo with the lads.
So day two came and bbq was arriving. The charcoal we bought were ridiculous! It was as big as bamboo charcoal and it was kind of unbreakable! Shldn't hav bought it from that cheap store.
But on the hindsight, the food was great. We ordered the food from BBQ wholesale centre. You should try it the next time ure planning a bbq.

a group photo

Sorry thats the only photo of the bbq which i have. Anywae i had to leave that night as i had a vacation term exam the next day.
Lets not forget that there was some drama before i left. Hehe! :D