So yesterday, i went for KIE's dinner and dance. Held at orchard hotel, it involved people from various keppel groups in Singapore. The theme for the night was....u guessed it!..blast from the past!!

Im sure all of you need no introduction to know who this lad is.
Anywae..the theme included act/dance/games from 19-20th century. Though the theme is very similar to my prom, i was still very excited and hyped up!
Anywae..the theme included act/dance/games from 19-20th century. Though the theme is very similar to my prom, i was still very excited and hyped up!
The event started of with a bang! When the show started, three vespas came out from the back of the hall;each bringing with them a lady as the pillion. After which, a couple of guys came pulling a rickshaw with an olden day 'chinese gangster'. Very good performance indeed!..of course, the people involved were part of the planning committee.
pheewit!..vespa chicks! :D
the lady on the right won best dress
that's mummy on a rickshaw!
So with such a great start, im sure the rest of the event would be the same if not of a better standard rite? Unfortunately NOOOOT!!! To be honest, i did not like the emcee..and the way the event was being run; everything seemed very unprofessional. Though i do not want to criticise, i admit that i can do a better job. Besides, the hotel food wasnt that good either.
Maybe they did their best with the limited resources. I found out from Sylvia that they had wanted to get other emcee and hotel but everything was fully booked. So as a consolation, i think they did a good job in getting the props to suit the theme. Im sure this is a difficult thing to do. Oh and i loved the doorgift too!
thats elvis wif my mum!
mother and son :DD
part of the HR staff..
The games involved different eras too! Since there were site workers, most of the games were played by indian nationals. They were the enthu ones! There was one game where they had to piggy-back a female dancer and do a horse race. Im sure the men were grinning from ear to ear. ( :
retro chicks?!
Though i did not win anything, i still felt happy as i managed to meet up with old colleagues and catch up on things we've been missing on. Cant wait to (enjoy free) lunch with them!
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