Not too long ago(about half a month lah),i went out with the bubu to city hall! Planned on visiting lots of places on that very short friday BUT, it was all just a dream. Nevertheless, we enjoyed ourselves at city hall.
We started out with peninsular. Bubu wanted to buy a bag. As for me, i was just happy to window-shop. We explored the whole of peninsular till bubu finally got her bag. Oh my she was a happy girl indeed!
Of we went to get some oldchangkee and a bottled drink for our mini picnic. We headed down to war memorial park and almost immediately, we did wat we enjoy most......

Photo-taking!! Or in girl's term: CAMWHORE!!
It was such a hot day that i was literally sweating like a pig!..just look at our shadows!.. WAIT..do pigs sweat?
Anyway the heat did not dampen our spirits. We still managed to put a smile on our faces or in my case, acting fierce!
oklah here's a smile for you.. :D
Before leaving, we tried to take a jumpshot photo of each other. It was kind of a challenge to see who could take the best photo.
Lets take a look at the results:
Winner: ME! Yay!!! As a prize, i get to finish the bottle of pink dolphin. But as a nice guy, i gave it to her..hehe. :P
So after dat, it was zoom!..zoom! to swensens! It was kind of a late birthday treat because we did not have a proper birthday dinner together on her birthday.
The walk from memorial park to suntec city's swensens was an exhausting one. First of all, we chose not to use the underpass(dumb). Secondly, it was friggin HOT! I could barely open my eyes while walking which thus reminded me of someone..sorry anep..hehe.
She was more interested in taking photos. I was more interested in eating.
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